Monday 30 August 2021

Reading: Olly's cicadas


Today I was learning how to apply my knowledge.

I was reading about cicadas in New Zealand. 

I used to scratch to created a habitat. 

In this habitat, I created a jumping game.

The objective of the game is to make the cicada jump over the moving object as often as possible.

You do this by pressing the space bar. 

The player with the highest score wins.

I  enjoyed using scratch.

I found it difficult at first because I was using two egg obstacles so I just used one.

Next time I might use two eggs to make it more challenging

1 comment:

  1. Dia dhuit Luke,
    I am so impressed with your Scratch game. It was very tricky as I did not have much time to find my spce bar - I think I will need lots of practice on this.
    Well done for embedding the link to Scratch.
    Maybe you could have linked the Scratch site and told your readers how to embed their Scratch games on to their blogs.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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