Wednesday 18 August 2021

Mary Ascends to heaven

 This is my word art about Marys assumption. I enjoyed making the word art. I found deleting all the rows tricky. Next time I would change the words. 


  1. Guten tag Luke,
    It's great to see your Lockdown learning up on your blog.
    What happened to Mary? Why? Naybe you could add this information to your blog and update your post.
    Keep up the great blogging.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  2. Kia Ora Luke

    It's wonderful to see your in the swing of lockdown learning again. I love the words you have chosen for your word art, I also really like the colour of the words especially the red.
    I look forward to visiting your blog again soon.
    Nga mihi nui
    Mrs Tamatea


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