Tuesday 31 August 2021

August Reflection


I am learning to reflect on the learning that I did in August.

I enjoyed completing the template.

I found recalling the reading part challenging. 

Inquiry: The paralympic games


Today I was learning about the Paralympic games.

I found it a bit challenging to find out some interesting facts about the Paralympics Games

Next time I would make my own template

Monday 30 August 2021

Reading: Olly's cicadas


Today I was learning how to apply my knowledge.

I was reading about cicadas in New Zealand. 

I used to scratch to created a habitat. 

In this habitat, I created a jumping game.

The objective of the game is to make the cicada jump over the moving object as often as possible.

You do this by pressing the space bar. 

The player with the highest score wins.

I  enjoyed using scratch.

I found it difficult at first because I was using two egg obstacles so I just used one.

Next time I might use two eggs to make it more challenging



Today I was learning about St James the Great.

I found words in the text I was reading difficult to understand.

I liked using screencastify. 

Next time I might use wevideo.

Maths: Escape room

 The solution is maths master

Friday 27 August 2021

Finishing check in

This is the list of tasks I completed in week 5.

I enjoyed taking the video of being out and active the most.

I found the maths buddy tasks the most challenging.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Reading: Impact of plastics on the environment

 Today I was learning to apply my knowledge of the impact of plastic on the environment 

I found the reading very interesting.


 Today I was learning to describe and summarise my Lockdown experience. I will be adding to this journal each day. I am using the Life In Your Bubble slide to help me. 

I enjoyed thinking about all the things I did in Lockdown.

I found using some of the index letters promps like QUVXYZ difficult

Wednesday 25 August 2021



Do you know what compost is?

Compost is made from waste materials such as apple cores, dead leaves, and kitchen scraps.

This is made by letting these rot so they turn into compost. To do this, we need to put the waste in a bin with holes so the air goes in and out. We need to mix the waste often. Decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms help by eating the waste. Composting can take months.

There are 2 benefits of composting.

  1.  Composting can help you to get rid of waste.

  2. You can use it to grow flowers and vegetables.

Did you know that even explosives can be composted!

Tuesday 24 August 2021


                           This week I was learning about the apostles following the Son of God

I have created a word cloud using the words trust and faith

I found it challenging to show all the synonyms clearly

My digital learning object shows the synonyms for trust and faith

Next time I would change the design.

The apostles had faith and trust in Jesus because they believed in Jesus message of eternal life and that Jesus was the son of God

How Maui found his father and the magic jawbone.

 I have recreated the kereru from this story using chrome Canva

I found creating the kereru tricky because it was difficult to draw smooth lines

Next time I would change the colours.

Monday 23 August 2021

Minecraft: Animal habitat


In Minecraft, I created an aquarium.

To see fish clearly, I am showing you a section of it.

The fish eat worms and feeder fish.

Their habitat includes plants and coral.

My outdoor challenge

 Today my outdoor challenge was to teach my puppy Oscar to fetch the ball.

He is getting better at this.

Scavenger Hunt

The name of this toadstool plant is Amanita muscaria, the poisonous fly agaric.

This plant is exotic, which means striking or unusual.

I would find it in the native bush living on rotting wood or soil. 

The following words tell us the author didn't like these toadstools: nightmare dread, haunted, shouted, touch-me-not.

This plant is poisonous.

Five facts about dogs


These are five facts about dogs.
I learned these facts about dogs today.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Mary Ascends to heaven

 This is my word art about Marys assumption. I enjoyed making the word art. I found deleting all the rows tricky. Next time I would change the words. 

Friday 13 August 2021

Lisa Carrington

This week we have been doing report writing.
I didn't finish because I was lagging around.
I enjoyed researching the facts.
Next time I would work faster.


Thursday 12 August 2021


The leaves, flowers, and bark of the kowhai plant help heal wounds, cuts, and injuries. 

The roots of the kowhai plants provide nutrients to the soil.


 Today I was learning to summarise. 

I enjoyed putting the background in.

I found writing the information tricky

Next time I would change the background