Friday 26 February 2021

Crime Scene


This week I was learning how to summarise. We got into groups and became experts at either analysing handwriting, fibre, fingerprints or powder. My group became experts at analysing powder. Then we got given a crime scene kit to solve. We had to get into groups so we had one expert for handwriting, one for powders, one for fibres and one for fingerprints.I enjoyed doing the crime scene. I found making the slides difficult because I had to do a lot of work. My dlo (digital learning object) shows that I can be a detective. Next time I could change my layout because I want to make it cool by putting different backgrounds on it.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

My Lenten Promise

This Is my Lenten promises that I did a few days ago. I enjoyed colouring in. Next time I would change nothing.  I have learnt that Lent Starts on ash Wednesday and ends at Easter time.

Monday 22 February 2021

Handwriting experiment


Today for reading  I was learning to make connections between what we read. I enjoyed looking at my handwriting and looking at Mrs Naden's handwriting, They were a little bit different, Mrs Naden's handwriting was neater than mine. I found reading the instructions difficult my dlo is to take a photo of what I had done. 

Thursday 18 February 2021

Chinese New Year


Chinese New year


 Today I was learning how to summarise. I know blogging day is Thursday. I will try and speed up next time. I enjoyed using epic. I found The Chinese new year poster Difficult. my dlo shows that I can use epic. Next time I would work faster.

Friday 12 February 2021

All about me

 I am Luke. I go to St Mary’s School. There are three people in my family. There is my mum, my dad and me.  I am a year 6. My culture is Irish and Russian

I am good at swimming, tennis, gymnastics and music. My challenges are to be focused. My goal is to be a House Captain.

I am looking forward to our class trips. I like cycling around the block and playing on the trampoline down the road.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Kawa of care

 Today I was learning about Kawa of care I enjoyed Making the slides. 

I found nothing difficult.

I would change nothing